Summer break

Hei folks, summer time ahead! Have you planned your holidays already? Similar to last year, the summer will be calm around Basel, at least for me. But that will not hold me back going on adventures together with cute Azi.

This week, we went on a quest – Indiana Jones style. I realized I posted the comic on Instagram already, but had no blog post in place yet. So i follow-up now.

Although it takes more time, it was very funny drawing a 4-panel adventure. I had the idea a while ago telling stories with more panels, but never the time or story idea to complete it. For the next panel, I will hopefully come up with a part 2 of the Indiana Jones quest, and Azi will be able to find the artifact of vision, so she can finally see again! :D

Stay tuned and follow us for more drawings and adventures.

Of viscounts and dukes

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Well, well, I tried looking for a new blog topic, and so far I could not come up with “the” proper one. As there is nothing really new going on in my life, I can also just let you know about a new series I was watching.

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Christmas preparations

It is the time of the year again. Despite COVID and the shutdown/lockdown restrictions worldwide, there is still some Christmas mood lingering around. The picture is actually massively foreshadowing, of an event, which may only happen in the far far future. I do not even own a Christmas tree which could be decorated, and I do not intend to buy one and build it up in the flat. BUT I used to do it at my family’s place some years ago.

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Hiking a day – keeps the bad mood away

Desperate times, call for desperate measures. Or in this case just some going out, walking or making a hike, or even going with the bicycle somewhere.

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